Lunar Deities: Honoring the Moon in Pagan Pantheons 🌙

Lunar Deities: Honoring the Moon in Pagan Pantheons 🌙

Lunar worship has been a cornerstone of many pagan traditions for centuries. The moon, with its enigmatic glow and cyclical phases, has inspired awe and reverence across cultures. In this blog, we'll explore the rich tapestry of pagan moon deities, delve into the traditions of moon worship in paganism, and introduce you to some key lunar goddesses and lunar gods. And don't forget to check out our special collection of Pagan Yule ornaments, tree skirts, sweaters, and hoodies available at MoonChildWorld! 🌟

The Role of the Moon in Pagan Traditions

The moon has always been a symbol of mystery, femininity, and the unconscious. Its phases—waxing, full, waning, and new—mirror the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, making it a powerful emblem in many pagan rituals and beliefs. Moon worship in paganism often involves ceremonies and rituals timed with the lunar calendar, celebrating the moon's influence on the earth and its inhabitants.

Key Lunar Deities in Paganism

Lunar Goddesses 🌜

1. Selene (Greek Mythology)
Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, is often depicted driving a chariot across the night sky. She embodies the full moon and is associated with intuition and emotions.

2. Artemis (Greek Mythology)
Artemis, another Greek deity, is the goddess of the hunt and the moon. She is a protector of women and children and is often associated with the crescent moon.

3. Hecate (Greek Mythology)
Hecate is a goddess of magic, witchcraft, and the moon. She is often depicted at crossroads, holding torches, and is associated with the new moon and the night.

4. Luna (Roman Mythology)
Luna is the Roman counterpart of Selene and represents the personification of the moon. She is celebrated in various Roman festivals.

Lunar Gods 🌛

1. Thoth (Egyptian Mythology)
Thoth, the Egyptian god of the moon, wisdom, and writing, is often depicted with the head of an ibis. He is associated with the measurement of time and the lunar calendar.

2. Tsukuyomi (Japanese Mythology)
Tsukuyomi is the Japanese moon god, who governs the night and is associated with the beauty and mystery of the moon.

3. Mani (Norse Mythology)
Mani, the Norse personification of the moon, is a male deity who guides the moon across the sky. He is chased by wolves, which explains the phases of the moon.

Rituals and Practices of Moon Worship

Full Moon Rituals 🌕

The full moon is a time of peak energy, illumination, and manifestation. Pagans often view it as the perfect time to perform rituals that harness this potent lunar energy.

Common Practices:

  • Moon Bathing: Spending time outdoors under the full moon's light to absorb its energy.
  • Charging Crystals: Placing crystals under the moonlight to cleanse and recharge them.
  • Ritual Baths: Taking a ritual bath with herbs, salts, and essential oils to cleanse and purify oneself.
  • Manifestation Rituals: Writing down goals and desires on paper and then burning it to release the intentions into the universe.
  • Full Moon Circles: Gathering in groups to celebrate, meditate, and perform rituals together.

Tools and Supplies:

  • Candles: White or silver candles to represent the moon.
  • Altar Items: Symbols of the moon, such as crescent-shaped objects, lunar deities' statues, and moonstones.
  • Offerings: Flowers, herbs, and food items like cakes and wine.

New Moon Rituals 🌑

The new moon marks a time of new beginnings, introspection, and setting intentions. It's a period for planting seeds (both literal and metaphorical) that will grow as the moon waxes.

Common Practices:

  • Setting Intentions: Writing down new goals and aspirations to focus on during the upcoming lunar cycle.
  • Cleansing and Purification: Smudging with sage or palo santo to cleanse the space and oneself.
  • Meditation: Reflecting on past experiences and envisioning future desires.
  • Planting Seeds: Literally planting seeds or starting new projects to symbolize growth and new beginnings.

Tools and Supplies:

  • Journal: For writing down intentions and reflections.
  • Herbs and Oils: For anointing candles and yourself.
  • Seeds or Soil: Symbolic items for planting new beginnings.

Waxing Moon Rituals 🌒

The waxing moon phase is the time between the new moon and full moon. It represents growth, building, and taking action towards your goals.

Common Practices:

  • Goal Setting: Breaking down larger goals into actionable steps.
  • Visualization: Daily visualization exercises to see your goals coming to fruition.
  • Energy Work: Practices like Reiki or chakra balancing to enhance personal energy.

Tools and Supplies:

  • Vision Boards: Creating visual representations of goals and desires.
  • Affirmations: Writing and repeating positive statements to reinforce intentions.
  • Green Candles: Symbolizing growth and abundance.

Waning Moon Rituals 🌘

The waning moon phase occurs between the full moon and the new moon. It is a time for release, banishing, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Common Practices:

  • Banishing Rituals: Writing down things you want to release and then burning or burying the paper.
  • Cleansing Spaces: Smudging your home to remove negative energy.
  • Cord-Cutting: Symbolically cutting cords with people or situations that are draining your energy.

Tools and Supplies:

  • Black Candles: Representing protection and banishing.
  • Banishing Oils: Essential oils like rosemary or eucalyptus for anointing.
  • Cauldron or Fireproof Bowl: For safely burning items during rituals.

Lunar Eclipses 🌒🌑🌘

Lunar eclipses are powerful times for transformation and significant shifts. They often amplify the energy of the full or new moon and can be used for deep, transformative work.

Common Practices:

  • Shadow Work: Delving into the subconscious to address hidden fears and traumas.
  • Releasing Rituals: Letting go of deep-seated issues and patterns.
  • Meditation and Reflection: Taking time to meditate and reflect on life's direction and necessary changes.

Tools and Supplies:

  • Tarot Cards: For insights and guidance during the eclipse.
  • Shadow Work Journal: To document reflections and breakthroughs.
  • Protective Crystals: Such as black tourmaline or obsidian.

Celebrate Yule with MoonChildWorld 🎄

As we approach the winter season, it's the perfect time to embrace the magic of Yule. At MoonChildWorld, we offer a range of beautiful items to make your celebrations extra special. From Pagan Yule ornaments or Yule tree skirts to cozy sweaters and hoodies, we have everything you need to honor the season in style.

Special Offer! 🎁

Enjoy a 10% discount on all items with code 10YULE. Don't miss out on our exquisite collection and bring the magic of the moon into your home this Yule season.


The moon's influence on pagan traditions is profound and enduring. Whether through the worship of lunar goddesses like Selene and Artemis or lunar gods like Thoth and Tsukuyomi, the reverence for the moon continues to inspire and guide. As you celebrate Yule, remember to honor the moon and its deities, and explore our unique collection to make your festivities even more magical.

Happy Yule and Blessed Be! 🌟